FREE information about worldwide photo contest

Wednesday, March 11, 2015


Beggar, homeless and Lunar New Year at Petak Sembilan

Entries are currently being accepted for the Andrei Stenin International Press Photo Contest organized by Rossiya Segodnya for young photojournalists aged 18 to 33. Photographs can be submitted at up to April 15, 2015, in four categories:
  1. Top News, 
  2. Current Issues, 
  3. Sports 
  4. Everyday Life. 
The jury will award three prizes in each category as well as a Grand Prize. The winner of the Grand Prize, exhibiting the most mature and exciting work, will receive 500,000 rubles (` 7000 EUR).

Eligibility : Worldwide

Prizes : 

  • The Grand Prize winner will receive RUB 500,000
  • The first place winner in each  category for an individual photo image or a  series of photo images will receive RUB 50,000
  • The second place winner in each category for an individual photo image or a series of photo images will receive RUB 35,000
  • The third place winner in each category for an individual photo image or a  series of photo images will receive RUB 25,000
  • Contest sponsors may also offer additional prizes. *This section contains the amount of awards to be paid  to the Winners/Runners
Download Contest Rules PDF HERE 

Free enter!

Deadline : 05/15/2015

Details check here

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