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Sunday, March 15, 2015

Let's walk and making pitures!

Travelling is always on my annual calendar, spending most of my travel trip out of my town and visiting hinterland, beaches, mountain and rural scenery. Here is some pictures from my journey around Indonesia for ThomasCook blogging contest 2015.

Earth- Bromo Mountain, Indonesia
Bromo Mountain
Bromo Mountain is an active volcano and part of the Tengger massif, in East Java, Indonesia. At 2,329 metres (7,641 ft) it is not the highest peak of the massif, but is the most well known. The massif area is one of the most visited tourist attractions in East Java, Indonesia. The volcano belongs to the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park. The name ofBromo derived from Javanese pronunciation of Brahma, the Hindu creator god.

Mount Bromo sits in the middle of a vast plain called the "Sea of Sand" (Javanese: Segara Wedi or Indonesian: Lautan Pasir), a protected nature reserve since 1919. The typical way to visit Mount Bromo is from the nearby mountain village of Cemoro Lawang. From there it is possible to walk to the volcano in about 45 minutes, but it is also possible to take an organised jeep tour, which includes a stop at the viewpoint on Mount Penanjakan (2,770 m or 9,088 ft) (Indonesian: Gunung Penanjakan). The viewpoint on Mount Penanjakan can also be reached on foot in about two hours. From inside the caldera, sulfur is collected by workers.

Depending on the degree of volcanic activity, the Indonesian Centre for Volcanology and Disaster Hazard Mitigation sometimes issues warnings against visiting Mount Bromo.(Wikipedia)

Uluwatu Cliff, Bali Water - Uluwatu Cliff, Bali

Bali, Indonesia. Poised on an elevated plateau that meets with limestone cliffs sweeping down to the ocean, the view from the  Uluwatu is nothing less than picture-perfect. Uluwatu offers great view of the ocean, sunset and temple on cliff.

The Bukit (as it is commonly referred to) includes the famous cliff-hanging temple at Uluwatu, a number of Bali's very best beaches including Balangan, and the top surfing spots on the island. As is so often the case, it was intrepid surfers who really opened up the eyes of the world to this part of the island.

Air - Misty Borobudur
Punthuk Setumbu, Magelang.

Magelang-Mid Java, Indonesia. Punthuk Setumbu is a must visit sunrise view point known as Nirvana Sunrise of Borobudur Temple, take only 20 minutes ride by bike to nearest village at Borobudur Temple. Amazing sunrise can be viewing from top of Setumbu at early morning, here is also a small coffee shop and a viewing tower to get a wide view of the landscape.

Fire - Summer Apocalypse at Dompak Island
Summer Apocalypse!
Dompak island. Located at East of Tanjung Pinang City, I'm visiting a drying small river with some friends and playing steel wool at summer. This site will be the next Dompak Goverment Central in the future.

I would like to nominate Travel blogger and travel writer from Indonesia
1. Raiyani Muharramah the owner of Galeri Bogor at
2. Teguh Sudarisman the owner of TGIF Mag at
3. Agustinus Wibowo the owner of
4. Domi Yanto the owner of
5. Dudi Aditya the owner of travel blog

I hope they may join this ThomasCook Travel Blogging Contest 2015 in very short time left.

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