FREE information about worldwide photo contest

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Images of Repression and Freedom 2015

Uluwatu, Bali
Semifinalists chosen by Freedom House will be displayed and auctioned as a fundraiser on May 14, 2015 in Washington, DC. The winner will be featured on the Freedom House website, Facebook and Twitter, in our newsletter, and will receive a cash prize of $300.
Eligibility : Worldwide
Free enter
Prize : US$300
Check detail

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Let's walk and making pitures!

Travelling is always on my annual calendar, spending most of my travel trip out of my town and visiting hinterland, beaches, mountain and rural scenery. Here is some pictures from my journey around Indonesia for ThomasCook blogging contest 2015.

Earth- Bromo Mountain, Indonesia
Bromo Mountain
Bromo Mountain is an active volcano and part of the Tengger massif, in East Java, Indonesia. At 2,329 metres (7,641 ft) it is not the highest peak of the massif, but is the most well known. The massif area is one of the most visited tourist attractions in East Java, Indonesia. The volcano belongs to the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park. The name ofBromo derived from Javanese pronunciation of Brahma, the Hindu creator god.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015


Beggar, homeless and Lunar New Year at Petak Sembilan

Entries are currently being accepted for the Andrei Stenin International Press Photo Contest organized by Rossiya Segodnya for young photojournalists aged 18 to 33. Photographs can be submitted at up to April 15, 2015, in four categories:
  1. Top News, 
  2. Current Issues, 
  3. Sports 
  4. Everyday Life. 
The jury will award three prizes in each category as well as a Grand Prize. The winner of the Grand Prize, exhibiting the most mature and exciting work, will receive 500,000 rubles (` 7000 EUR).

Eligibility : Worldwide

Prizes : 

  • The Grand Prize winner will receive RUB 500,000
  • The first place winner in each  category for an individual photo image or a  series of photo images will receive RUB 50,000
  • The second place winner in each category for an individual photo image or a series of photo images will receive RUB 35,000
  • The third place winner in each category for an individual photo image or a  series of photo images will receive RUB 25,000
  • Contest sponsors may also offer additional prizes. *This section contains the amount of awards to be paid  to the Winners/Runners
Download Contest Rules PDF HERE 

Free enter!

Deadline : 05/15/2015

Details check here

8th Annual iPhone Photography Awards is close soon!

Sambu Island

All images must be taken with an iPhone, iPod or an iPad. The photos should not be altered in Photoshop or any desktop image processing program. The use of any iPhone/iPad App is permissible. iPhone add-on lenses such as Olloclip can be used. In some cases we may ask the original image to verify that it’s taken with an iPhone, iPad or iPod. The photos that can not be verified are disqualified.

Prizes        : 3pcs Apple watch and 19 Fine Gold Bars
Eligibility  : Worldwide

Entry fees  : 1 image:$3.50, 3 images:$7.50, 5 images:$15.50, 10 images:$27.50, 15 images:$35.50, 20 images:$50.00, 25 images:$57.50. There are no limits in the number of entries however we recommend that you only submit your best ones.

Deadline  : 03/31/2015

Details check here

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Thomas Cook Explore the Elements photo blogging competition

Trip to Borobudur Temple, Nirvana Sunrise, Manoreh Mount Village and Butterfly Garden at Magelang District
Win a £5000 ($7,700 USD) Travel Fund plus other goodies! – Publish your photos representing one or all of the 4 elements (Earth, Air, Fire, Water) on your blog and nominate 5 of your bloggers to be in with a chance of winning this amazing prize!

We’re looking for bloggers to publish photographs they’ve taken which best represent one of the four elements. All the categories are open to your interpretation, so you can be free to take a picture of anything you feel showcases your chosen element.

Prizes :The four individual category winners will receive a MacBook Air, a Fujifilm X-T1 camera, or an iPhone 6 with Bose noise cancelling headphones, depending on their personal choice. The overall winner will be awarded an amazing £5,000 travel fund.

Eligibility : Worldwide

Deadline  : 03/16/2015

Enter Contest!

YICCA 2015 Young International Contest

Pottery maker (Gerabah) at Gunung Manoreh, Magelang

The competition’s aim is to promote the enrolled artist, giving them chance to join the international market of contemporary art.

This aim will be pursued by taking advantage of the opportunities that the contest offers:
  • Euro 3000,00 (three thousand/00) money prize to the first selected
  • Euro 1000,00 (one thousand/00) money prize to the second selected

Eligibility : Worldwide

Entry Fee : 30

Deadline  : 06/16/2015

Details here

Conflict and Protest Photo Contest

jember fashion carnival
Angry crowds, barricades, flags and placards! Upload your most exciting photography documenting conflict and protest to the new Photocrowd contest. Live peer voting and expert judging by the legendary documentary photographer Stuart Freedman.

Prize  : Crowd vote winner and expert vote winner each get a copy of 'National Geographic 125 Years: Legendary Photographs, Adventures, and Discoveries That Changed the World' by Mark Collins Jenkins.

Eligibility : Worldwide

Deadline  : 03/18/2015

Free enter!

Details check here

Global Photography Awards

Melukat Tradition Shower in Bali

Global Photography Awards aims to promote the beauty of the photograph. It does not matter if the photo was shot in the past or shot in the present, framed by a professional or an amateur. Our desire is to find a photograph that is worthy of one million dollarsand crown a true Global Photographer of the Year.

Prizes – Grand Prize – Global Photographer of the Year

$1,000,000 (One Million USD)
Global Photographer of the Year Crystal Trophy
Travel for you and a guest to London UK for the Global Photographer of
the Year Black Tie Gala & Ceremony with Luxury Accommodations at the
Le Méridien Piccadilly
Permanent Placement at The Photographers’ Gallery, London UK
1st Place – Gold Medal Photographer

Global Photography Gold Medal
Travel for you and a guest to London UK for the Global Photographer of
the Year Black Tie Gala & Ceremony with Luxury Accommodations at the
Le Méridien Piccadilly
On Exhibition at The Photographers’ Gallery, London UK
2nd Place – Silver Medal Photographer of the Year

Global Photography Silver Medal
Travel for you and a guest to London UK for the Global Photographer of
the Year Black Tie Gala & Ceremony with Luxury Accommodations at the
Le Méridien Piccadilly
On Exhibition at The Photographers’ Gallery, London UK
3rd Place – Bronze Medal Photographer of the Year

Global Photography Bronze Medal
Travel for you and a guest to London UK for the Global Photographer of
the Year Black Tie Gala & Ceremony with Luxury Accommodations at the
Le Méridien Piccadilly
On Exhibition at The Photographers’ Gallery, London UK
Global Award in Each Category (Advertising, Architecture, Fine Art,
Nature, People, Special, Sport)

$2,000 per Category
Category Winners Medal
On Exhibition at The Photographers’ Gallery, London UK

Eligibility : Worldwide

Entry fee : USD$250 per 25 Photos

Deadline : 12/31/2015

Details check here

Rally Photo Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Pelabuhan Sunda Kelapa)

Sunda Kelapa PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) akan menyelenggarakan sebuah kegiatan yang mengusung tema Rally Photo. Kegiatan ini akan diadakan pada tanggal 22 Maret 2015 bertempat di wilayah sekitar Pelabuhan Sunda Kelapa. Dengan berlatar belakang Pelabuhan yang memiliki nilai sejarah yang sangat tinggi, dimana sebagai pelabuhan tertua di Indonesia yang mempunyai peranan sebagai cikal bakal lahirnya kota Jakarta. Kegiatan ini juga turut melestarikan Pelabuhan Sunda Kelapa sebagai Pelabuhan Rakyat tertua di Jakarta.

Total hadiah : Rp.56.000.000,-
Lokasi          : Pelabuhan Sunda Kelapa
Tanggal event : 22 Maret 2015
Pendaftaran     : Rp.50.000,-

Detil lomba lihat disini

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Lomba Foto Telisik Nusantara National Geographic Indonesia

Batam Landmark Panorama

Begitu banyak ragam warna budaya Indonesia, mampukah Sahabat mengabadikannya dalam foto?Ayo kirimkan foto ragam warna budaya Indonesia milik FK-wan dalam Telisik Nusantara.

Peserta adalah seluruh fotografer (profesional dan amatir) yang telah mendaftarkan diri & mengisi data diri di Kontes Foto Telisik Nusantara.

Tema Kontes
Iconic Archipelago: Seluruh ikon terbaik di Nusantara (mulai dari monumen, landmark/tengara, tempat terkenal)

Pengiriman Foto
Tidak ada batasan waktu pengambilan foto
Setiap peserta dapat mengirimkan lebih dari 1 foto
Foto dikirimkan melalui halaman

Hadiah : Samsung Smart Camera NX1 & Trip ke Pulau Weh

Batas Waktu dan Penjurian Lomba:

Periode lomba : 6 Maret - 12 April 2015
Pengumuman pemenang : 20 April 2015

Detil lihat disini 

Monochrome Awards 2015

Win $3000 and international recognition in prestigious Monochrome Awards honouring Black & White Photography

Monochrome Photography Awards conducts an annual competition for Professional and Amateur photographers. Our mission is to celebrate monochrome visions and discover most amazing photographers from around the world.

The winners of the Professional and Amateur sections will receive the titles: Monochrome Photographer of the Year and Monochrome Discovery of the Year and cash prizes. We are open to all points of view. All levels of expertise. All ideas of Black and White photography.

Eligibility : Worldwide

Entry fee  : Professional – 20 USD, Amateur – 15 USD

Deadline  : 11/29/2015

Details check here

Visible White 2015

Photo session with kids
Familydom is an open call for photographic works and projects which explore the varied and fragmented experiences we have in relation to the family.

Familydom is this year's chosen theme for the 4th edition of Visible White Photo Prize.

Selection of finalist works and projects by Peggy Sue Amison, Christian Gattinoni and Elisa Medde.

5,000 € prizes and exhibition at Fondazione Studio Marangoni, Florence.

Eligibility :Worldwide

Entry fee : 20 €

Deadline  : 16 March 2015.

Details check here

Travel Photographer - Asia Photography Contest 2015

Keep Smiling Travel Photographer Asia, the ultimate travel photography contest for professional and amateur travel photographers who have travelled in Asia. This photo contest aims to highlight the vibrancy of the people, places, food and festivals in Asia.

Our aim is to reach out to the large amateur and professional travel photography community and showcase their talent.

Eligibility : Worldwide
Entry fee   : US$6
Max entry : 10
Prizes        : Approximate Prize Value: RM20,900/USD$5,877
Deadline   : 20th April 2015

Chech details here

Monday, March 2, 2015

Prix Voies Off 2015

Moon crescent
From July 6th to 11th 2015 Voies Off Festival of the Rencontres Internationales de la Photographies in Arles will celebrate its 20th anniversary.

Year after year, the selected themes have met the evolutions of our contemporary world with a critical eye. Over twenty different nationalities are represented at each festival. Every year around sixty candidates are selected for the programme of the nightprojections.

Voies Off prize : 2 500 euros
SAIF Discovery Prize : 2 000 euros
Prix award : the portfolio rewarded by the magazine will be published online with a critical text.

Eligibility: Worldwide

Entry Fee: 30 euros

Deadline: : March 15th, 2015

Details here